Appliance Breakdowns Can Be Stressful and Purchasing New Ones Can Be Costly
Under the best of circumstances, having an appliance break down can be stressful. During these CoVid times, it’s liable to be even moreso.
Early on during the pandemic, people thought it might be a good idea to spend some money at home that they might otherwise have spent on travel or entertainment or dining out. That meant that there was a big run on major appliances. Many people suddenly found themselves spending much more time in their homes than they had before, because they were furloughed, or because they were transitioning to working from home, and because they no longer were able to visit the places they liked to go and spend time doing the things they liked to do. Some suddenly had fewer excuses not to get around to those projects they had promised to get around to, or began noticing and being bothered by things that previously they were able successfully to overlook.
All of that meant that there was a run on appliances, even as factories were crippled either by scarcity of parts or labor, or (in early days) even by logistical challenges. Naturally, if large numbers of people were suddenly embarking on home remodeling projects, or getting around to replacing balky appliances, or undertaking general home improvement with an eye to upgrading performance and efficiency. Those demands led to scarcity, and new appliance prices have climbed as availability has decreased.
In more normal times, it might be possible to limp along better with a poorly working appliance, but it has become more difficult, particularly for those who have to isolate due to vulnerability. It’s harder for them to get out to get a good look at what is available. And even if they have something new delivered and installed, viewing something online or in a catalog isn’t quite the same as inspecting it in person.
The upshot of all of these factors is that it has become more desirable to opt to fix appliances than it has been in the past, and the demand for service calls has been steadily increasing. The general rule of thumb was, for major appliances across the board, that if a repair cost half or less of what it would cost to replace an appliance, taking into account installation of the new one and removal of the old one, it probably was a good idea to repair, assuming that the appliance hadn’t had a major repair before and the efficiency and performance would still be relatively similar to something newer. That equation still works to some extent, but consumers find that availability is lower than usual and prices higher than usual, so many are opting to repair, instead.
Whether it’s a refrigerator, a washer or dryer, a water heater, a furnace, or a range, it’s challenging to find the usual range of options for replacement. Studies show that a larger portion of customers are satisfied with repairs performed by an independent appliance repair firm than with factory repairs, though obviously if your appliance is still under warranty, you will want to go that route. You need certified appliance repair technicians who have seen it all, and that’s just what you will find at Dave’s Appliance.
The knowledgeable technicians at Dave’s Appliance will be happy to consult with you and give you their best advice regarding your needs. They take every pandemic precaution on each home visit, and they come prepared. If it turns out to be in your best interest to replace an appliance, despite the challenges of the market, they will let you know, too, and they have the relationships with the best manufacturers to see that you get the best of what is available, should that be necessary.